AppValley is a third-party iOS app installer. It is used to install premium iOS tweaked apps for free.
AppValley.app is the official AppValley VIP site.
There you can get the AppValley app configuration profile on iPhone & other iOS devices.
To download the AppValley VIP profile to your phone, some permissions are needed.
Click “Allow” on the permission popup that appears.
Go to the “Settings” then “Profile” and tap on “Downloaded”.
Select the AppValley VIP profile and tap on the Install button to start.
Enter the passcode if you are asked to.
That’s it!

Start using the AppValley app and enjoy premium iOS apps for free.
You can install another app installer tool if AppValley VIP is not working properly.
The AppValley app mobile configuration file is a secure & compressed zip file.
It is protected with a password.
Use app-valley as the zip password.
Input the password and extract the file.

AppValley 2.0
Are you looking for a tool to install premium android apps from Google Play Store?
Need to get premium iOS apps from the Apple store for free?
Want to increase your productivity level?
Need to play awesome games for free?
You can make your PC just like an Android or Apple mobile using the AppValley app VIP.
AppValley Windows APK
AppValley App installer APK is a third-party app store.
It is used to download premium Android and iOS apps to the PC, for free.
AppValley App contains many paid apps from Apple’s App Store.
It allows you to download past versions of iOS apps as well.
Many of the apps are not available even in the Google play store or Apple App store.

Here we will guide you to download and install the AppValley VIP app on your Windows PC or macOS system.
To use the app installer, you need to get an Android Emulator first.
Here are some famous Emulators:
Nox App Player
AppValley APK is an android application file for that you have to use BlueStacks or NOX.
NOX is one of the best android emulators for Windows PC using Windows 11 or Windows 10.
After installing the Emulator, download the AppValley app APK from the Official AppValley Site.

App Info
Name: AppValley APK
Developers: AppValley LLC Team
Compatibility: iOS, Android, Windows 11, Windows 10 & Mac
Category: App Installer
License: Free
Downloads: 1000,0000+
AppValley can also be used on Windows 8, Windows XP, or Windows 7.
Follow the steps below to use the appValley VIP installer.
1. Download the latest version of the AppValley
2. Download NOX or BlueStacks Emulator
3. RUN The emulator
4. Drag the downloaded AppValley app into the Emulator to start the app installation.
AppValley is now ready for your PC or Mac.
You can browse for any premium app you wish to have.

Supported iOS Versions
Beta iOS 9.3.5
iOS 12
iOS 13
iOS 14
iOS 14.4
iOS 14.5
iOS 14.6

Trust AppValley
Tap the AppVally icon created on the home screen.
Note down the developer name from the popup after you tap on the appValley app icon.
Tap on “Cancel Appvalley profile installation”.
Now Go to Settings > General > Profiles.
Choose the profile same as in Step 2 above.
Tap on the Trust button.
You need to tap on the Trust Button twice to complete the installation.
It’s done.
Go back to your home screen and try opening the apps.
It should work fine.